Saturn og SteinbukkenI denne artikkelen gir Alan Oken oss et dypsindig innblikk i karmas herre Saturn. Esoterisk sett gir Saturn oss en mulighet for vekst. Gjennom det arbeid og de utfordringer den gjerne byr på føres vi nærmere en kontakt til vår egen sjel. Vi kommer fram til terskelens vokter og får anledning til å gå over broen.


Saturn has had a reputation in traditional astrology which it doesn’t quite deserve. It is called the “greater malefic” and is all too often depicted as a planet of fear and dread. Nothing could be further from the truth on soul-centered levels. What one is fearing and dreading is a reflection of one’s own shadow self. If you are afraid of Saturn, you are merely afraid of your own self! Saturn is also known as the planet of “limitations”. But who creates those limitations? Is the soul limited? Is the universe? The only limitations we have are those that are inherent in the structure of the personality


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