Krepsens tegn blir ofte knyttet til hus og hjem. Krepsen bygger et opplyst hus. Det er våre tanker, følelser og handlinger som skal opplyses eller bevisstgjøres. I denne artikkelen gir Alan Oken oss et vesentlig bidrag til forstålsen av planeter i dette tegn som dypest sett handler om inkarnasjon.
As we evolve, we come the realization that not only are we as individuals capable of recognizing our own creative potentials, but we also awaken to the reality that no one else can give them to us. No one else for that matter can truly absolve us from our own errors and no one can save us. We may be inspired by others and may even be led to the doors of wonderful, deep-seated spiritual revelations by others. But only we can open those doors ourselves and only we can manifest the courage to go through them—for the doors on the Path are many as are the tests on each of their thresholds. --A.O.