Skyttens tegn kan knyttes til begrepene frihet og mening. Hvis hjemmeleksene er unnagjort i det foregående tegnet skorpionen, så vil skytten kunne erbore visdommen. Visdom skiller seg fra kunnskap blant annet på den måten at den er mer tidløs. Alan Oken gir oss sitt syn på skyttens tegn i de ulike hus.
The principle of reincarnation teaches that each one of us comes into life possessed of a history of personal karma. We are born to continue developing along certain energetic templates as well as to initiate and complete others. We are here to fulfill certain energetic debts and to plant seeds for future evolutionary promises. Even if one were to discount reincarnation altogether, there is still not a babe born who is not carrying part of an ancient history into the present times. This is human history and it is physically present in the genes and chromosomes of one’s DNA. It is also held in humanity’s collective consciousness, its racial memory and carried in the child’s Soul. The more conscious a person becomes through his or her struggles along the Path, the more that history is revealed to the conscious mind. Thus memory of “past lives” is revealed. The Soul is the revealer. A.O.