VannmannenVannmannen skal bli til vannbæreren. Den krukke som her bæres på skulderen skal fylles med visdom slik at vi har noe å dele med de som søker etter svar på gode spørsmål. Innholdet i krukken symboliserer også vår sjel. Alan Oken oss en glitrende analyse av dette tegn.


So much of the difficulty and fear that the majority of people are experiencing is in large measure due to the juxtaposition of the collective forces of the current times. The new thought-forms and the resultant crystallizations of the new social structures have not as yet happened, while the old thought-forms have lost much of their meaning. We are thus in a period of “cuspal limbo” between the two World Ages—Aquarius and Pisces. It is little wonder that many of us feel like Hebrews wandering in the desert at the end of the Age of Taurus. We are still waiting to arrive at the Promised Land. This New Age Eden is the New City of Humanity, a place where the principle of Unanimity is practiced by one and all, making the reality of the Soul known as a Living Presence. We still have a while to go. A.O.


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